会期:2024年7月19日 -7月21日 19日 13:00-15:00 VIPプレビュー/15:00-19:00内覧会(VIP・招待者・プレスのみ) 20日 11:00-19:00 一般公開 21日 11:00-19:00 一般公開
会場:大阪市中央公会堂 大阪市北区中之島1-1-27 大阪市中央公会堂 3階
Galleries Section Booth No. E-4
2024.07.13 (SAT) - 08.04 (SUN) (THURS-SUN) 12:00PM-7:00PM
STREET DREAMS STUDIOS TOKYO will hold a solo exhibition titled ”HETEROTOPIA“ by artist Yuan Fangzhou starting from Saturday, July 13, 2024.
Yuan Fangzhou was born in Liaoning Province, China. After graduating from Tsinghua University with a major in Arts and Crafts in 2018, he came to Japan and obtained his PhD from Tokyo University of the Arts. He currently works based in Ibaraki. His artistic activities extend globally, with exhibitions not only in China and Japan but also in Korea, the Czech Republic, Bangladesh, and beyond. In Japan, he has exhibited at venues such as ”The 50th Anniversary, Glass ’21 in Japan“ (Hillside Forum, Tokyo), the solo exhibition ”Intermediary compound“ (Tokyo International Gallery, Tokyo), ”The 24th Taro Okamoto Award for Contemporary Art“ (Taro Okamoto Museum of Art, Kawasaki), and ”ARTISTS‘ FAIR KYOTO 2023“ (Kyoto Cultural Museum, Kyoto).
Focusing on the relationships among people, objects, and nature, Yuan integrates multiple media and techniques based on his philosophy influenced by Eastern thought such as post-minimalism and Buddhism, primarily centered around glass materials. He respects the ”consciousness“ inherent in materials and views the unique forms spontaneously created during the firing process as integral to his works. He particularly employs the kiln work technique of heating cold glass in an electric furnace.
In this exhibition, Yuan explores the concept of ”HETEROTOPIA“ coined by philosopher Michel Foucault, aiming to recreate an absolute ”other space“ within reality using glass materials. Unlike utopia, which does not exist in reality, ”HETEROTOPIA“ refers to the absolutely ”other spaces“ that exist in reality. For this occasion, Yuan creates works solely in black and pink, constructing new material forms that inhabit the boundary between nature and artifice through the unique expression of glass. Based on his own memories and experiences, he reexamines the intersection where reality and ”other spaces“ converge.
会場:ときわ湖水ホール 大展示ホール入場料無料
24.7.21. 「ART OSAKA 2024」にMARUEIDOJAPANさんより出展しています.
24.7.13 個展のお知らせ 「HETEROTOPIA」 Tokyo International Gallery 2024年7月13日(土) - 8月4日(日)
23.2.27 「ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 2023」 京都文化博物館別館 2023年3月4日(土)- 3月5日(日) 詳しくは「ARTISTS' FAIR KYOTO 2023」のホームページをご覧ください。
22.3.18 「KUMA EXHIBITION 2022 Part.01」 ANB Tokyo 2022年3月18日(金)- 3月27日(日) 詳しくは「KUMA EXHIBITION 2022」のホームページをご覧ください。
21.10.22 個展のお知らせ 「中間体ーintermediary compoundー」 Tokyo International Gallery 2021年11月6日(土) - 12月18日(土)
21.10.13 第21回アート・ミーツ・アーキテクチャー・コンペティション 優秀賞 詳しくは「ART MEETS ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION」のホームページをご覧ください。
21.6.30 袁方洲 個展「虚実体 The nonentity within the entity」 美術手帖 メディア掲載
21.6.28 個展 「虚実体The nonentity within the entity」 デカメロン 2021年7月1日(木) - 2021年7月27日(火)
21.6.1 第1回宮若国際芸術トリエンナーレ トライアート 入賞 詳しくは「第1回宮若国際芸術トリエンナーレ」のホームページをご覧ください。